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MSOL Twin Cities Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Chad Blumeyer's avatar
    Chad Blumeyer 5/01/2024 11:16 AM
    I learned that I still have a lot to learn about how to save this planet!

  • Chad Blumeyer's avatar
    Chad Blumeyer 4/30/2024 7:38 PM
    We made it! Another EARTH MONTH ECO CHALLENGE complete. See you again next time.

  • Ann Lloyd's avatar
    Ann Lloyd 4/30/2024 2:21 PM
    Thanks to all for sharing and listening this Earth Month. I've learned a bunch. I've challenged myself in some good, new ways. I'll continue to advocate where I can. I do this because the future of the planet is more important than me.
    Climate + Air Choose Renewable Energy
    If you are already signed up for your utility's renewable option, what other steps can you take each day to reduce your electricity usage? If your company doesn't offer a renewable option, were they open to your request of this in the future?

    Ann Lloyd's avatar
    Ann Lloyd 4/30/2024 1:48 PM
    I turn off and unplug whenever I can. As we replace worn out appliances, we get replacements that are more efficient.
    Land + Forests 30 for 30 in Nature
    What have you noticed about how it feels to spend consistent time outside?

    Ann Lloyd's avatar
    Ann Lloyd 4/30/2024 1:44 PM
    I feel connected and happy.
    Freshwater + Oceans Go Plastic-Free
    Where did plastic show up on your life that surprised you the most? What plastic alternative products did you discover you may switch to?

    Ann Lloyd's avatar
    Ann Lloyd 4/30/2024 1:41 PM
    Well, everywhere, right? My daily contact lenses, the new curtains I bought that came on a hard plastic hanger, ketchup, mustard, chicken breasts, etc., etc., etc. I will continue to use my own grocery bags. I will visit Tare Market to learn more about the alternatives that are available.
    Biodiversity + Wildlife Invest in Nature
    What did you learn about how investing can support the environment and create a more sustainable world?

    Chad Blumeyer's avatar
    Chad Blumeyer 4/30/2024 11:53 AM
    Listened to a "WTR Sustainable Investing Surveyor Podcast" episode that talked to a Canadian company who is actively working to deploy carbon reduction projects world-wide. As I understand it, they invest the needed capital funds upfront, claim the carbon reduction credits when implemented projects are verified (e.g. X thousand of carbon capturing trees got planted in India), and then sell those credits to businesses / firms who want to purchase an offset against their emissions. The carbon trade and free markets are in action by the sounds of it all.
    Climate + Air Online Energy Audit
    Where did you do an energy audit (work, home, school, other) and what did you learn?

    Chad Blumeyer's avatar
    Chad Blumeyer 4/30/2024 9:35 AM
    I did a quick energy audit of my office space and reflected on my consumption of power. Our Emerson facility recently upgraded to a higher efficiency HVAC system, so power used for climate control has been improved. The task lighting at my desk is LED and setup on motion detection so it shuts off when no one is present. I took action to plug my computer and monitors into a power strip that I can power down and avoid the "vampire power suck" after I leave work for the day!
    Freshwater + Oceans Low Water Gardening
    What are the most prominent water concerns in your area? Examples include drought, flooding, pollution, access, security, and privatization.

    Ann Lloyd's avatar
    Ann Lloyd 4/29/2024 4:25 PM
    Drought has been the biggest water concern in recent years. Agriculture is important for our area economy. Wildfires in Canada and elsewhere grab headlines like never before.
    Land + Forests Explore My Area
    Where did you go for your walk or hike in nature? What were the benefits of doing so?

    Ann Lloyd's avatar
    Ann Lloyd 4/29/2024 4:03 PM
    Ideally, somewhere without the sound of traffic is where I can get lost in my own thoughts. Having a dog means a daily opportunity to get outside. Love this time of year before the mosquitos come out!