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Emerson SNG HR Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Emily Ang's avatar
    Emily Ang 4/30/2024 12:17 AM
    Ways to reuse household items:
    · Reuse Coffee grounds and tea leaves for gardening
    · Get water/milk gallons and use them to water your plants
    · Get a basket or a milk jug and use it to wash dishes or to wash your clothes
    · Cupcake tray can be reused as a jewelry organizer

  • Crystal Foo's avatar
    Crystal Foo 4/30/2024 12:12 AM
    People may think that climate change is too far advanced for our actions to make a difference. Every action we take, no matter how small, contributes to the larger effort of mitigating climate change. Whether it's reducing our carbon footprint by using public transportation or switching to renewable energy sources, each decision counts. Advocating for policy changes and supporting initiatives that prioritise sustainability can create ripple effects that extend far beyond our immediate sphere of influence.

  • Emily Ang's avatar
    Emily Ang 4/29/2024 1:20 AM
    Recycling offers several important benefits for both the environment and society:
    · Conserves Natural Resources
    · Protects Ecosystems and Wildlife
    · Reduces Demand for Raw Materials
    · Saves Energy
    · Saves Money and Creates Jobs
    · Promotes Environmental Respect

  • Crystal Foo's avatar
    Crystal Foo 4/28/2024 8:30 PM
    Merely tossing your empty food containers into your home recycling bin doesn’t mean you’re already living sustainably, most of the plastic we recycle ends up in the landfills due to several reasons. Hence, we should think of recycling as just a good practice that we can adopt to live sustainably.

  • Emily Ang's avatar
    Emily Ang 4/28/2024 12:13 AM
    Some practical ways you can minimize your paper consumption:
    1. Print Mindfully:Don’t print unnecessarily: Before hitting that “Print” button, ask yourself if you truly need a hard copy. Opt for digital versions whenever possible.
    2. Double-sided printing: When you do need to print, use both sides of the paper. Adjust your printer settings to enable double-sided printing.
    3. Narrow margins and smaller font: Set your margins narrower and choose a smaller font size to fit more content on each page.

  • Emily Ang's avatar
    Emily Ang 4/27/2024 7:09 AM
    Ways to reuse plastic bottles for decoration:
    1. Floral springs lights
    Simply cut and paint various shapes of flowers from bottles (with their caps attached) to fit around the string of lights.
    2. Cherry blossom paint stamp
    The bottom of the soda bottle looks just like the five petals of cherry blossom, don’t you think so? Start by drawing a branch using black paint. When it’s dried, you can start to dip and stamp the bottom of the soda bottle on the paper to create a cherry blossom art.
    3. No-sew zipper stationery case
    You will need two 20 oz. soda bottles, a zipper, and hot glue for this stationery case. Cut the bottom of one bottle and the top of another. Use hot glue to glue the zipper to both ends of the cut bottles and connect them together. You can now store your stationery and keep the place mess free.

  • Emily Ang's avatar
    Emily Ang 4/26/2024 12:23 AM
    How do you give old items a new life?
    1. Ice Cube Trays and Bakeware Drawer Organization:
    Empty out a cluttered kitchen drawer and repurpose an ice cube tray, baking pans, or other containers to organize small items. Spray-paint them to unify the look, and arrange them Tetris-style in the drawer.
    2. Plastic Bottles as Mini Greenhouses:
    Slice the bottoms off plastic bottles to create mini greenhouses for starting seeds indoors. These see-through incubators help keep soil moist and protect seedlings from drafts.

  • MIng Yet Yap's avatar
    MIng Yet Yap 4/25/2024 6:52 AM
    reuse egg shells as fertilisers

  • MIng Yet Yap's avatar
    MIng Yet Yap 4/25/2024 6:51 AM
    grind egg shells to be used as waste

  • MIng Yet Yap's avatar
    MIng Yet Yap 4/25/2024 6:49 AM
    going well... one new plant at home