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Emerson Manila Engage Indirect Team Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Loty Moncada's avatar
    Loty Moncada 4/30/2024 10:04 AM
    poetry in the simplest form

  • Loty Moncada's avatar
    Loty Moncada 4/30/2024 10:01 AM
    it's true, a walk in nature walks the soul back home.
    Climate + Air Calculate My Carbon Impact
    Where in your life do you emit the most carbon? What change are you willing to make in your daily life to reduce this output?

    Clarissa Matriz's avatar
    Clarissa Matriz 4/30/2024 1:59 AM
    My carbon emission mostly comes from energy usage at home and consumption habits. To reduce these, I will make some changes in my daily life:
    a. Since I mostly spend my time at home, I will conserve more energy by turning off lights when not in use and start being mindful of appliances I buy by utilizing more energy-efficient appliances.
    b. I will practice recycling and reusing more to minimize waste and reduce emissions associated with production and disposal. And, I will avoid single-use items.

  • Melvin Boongaling's avatar
    Melvin Boongaling 4/30/2024 12:32 AM
    Nature never goes out of style...

  • Mary Rose Rey's avatar
    Mary Rose Rey 4/29/2024 4:50 AM
    Protecting the environment is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves and future generations. Here's some encouragement I found online to inspire action:
    1. Every Action Counts: Whether it's recycling, reducing energy consumption, or choosing sustainable products, every small action adds up to make a big difference. Don't underestimate the power of your individual choices.
    2. Be a Guardian of Nature: Imagine yourself as a guardian of this beautiful planet we call home. By protecting the environment, you're safeguarding the habitats of countless species and preserving the natural wonders that make our world so breathtaking.
    3. Leave a Legacy of Sustainability: What kind of world do you want to leave for your children and grandchildren? By taking steps to protect the environment now, you're helping to create a legacy of sustainability and responsibility for future generations.
    4. Connect with Nature: Spend time outdoors and truly connect with the beauty and wonder of the natural world. When you feel a deep connection to nature, you're more motivated to protect it.
    5. Inspire Others: Your actions can inspire those around you to make positive changes too. Lead by example and show others how fulfilling and rewarding it can be to live in harmony with the environment.
    6. Celebrate Progress: Celebrate every victory, no matter how small. Whether it's a community coming together to clean up a local park or a company implementing eco-friendly practices, every step forward is cause for celebration.
    7. Remember Our Interconnectedness: We're all connected through the intricate web of life on Earth. When we protect the environment, we're not just safeguarding nature – we're also safeguarding our own health, well-being, and future prosperity.
    8. Optimism and Hope: Despite the challenges we face, it's important to remain hopeful about the future. Every day, more people are waking up to the importance of environmental protection and taking action to make a positive difference.
    9. Embrace Creativity: There's no one-size-fits-all solution to environmental problems. Embrace creativity and innovation as we work together to find new and better ways to protect our planet.
    10. You Can Make a Difference: Never doubt the impact that you, as an individual, can have. Your actions matter, and by working together, we can create a brighter, greener future for all.

    Climate + Air Declutter My Home Without the Landfill
    How did it feel to intentionally declutter with putting things into the landfill? What did you learn along the way about yourself and our consumer and waste systems?

    Clarissa Matriz's avatar
    Clarissa Matriz 4/26/2024 11:03 AM
    While decluttering can be fulfilling, it also raises a personal awareness of my consumption habits. I realized how much our consumerism culture encourages accumulation without considering the long-term consequences. While doing so, I discovered the significance of mindful consumption, opting for quality over quantity and embracing a more minimalist lifestyle.

  • Clarissa Matriz's avatar
    Clarissa Matriz 4/26/2024 5:31 AM
    It's encouraging to witness how this challenge serves as a catalyst for many of us to embrace an eco-friendly lifestyle. Undoubtedly, initiating and ingraining new habits poses a challenge, but the rewards make it entirely worthwhile. ♡
    Land + Forests Explore My Area
    Where did you go for your walk or hike in nature? What were the benefits of doing so?

    Mary Rose Rey's avatar
    Mary Rose Rey 4/26/2024 5:27 AM
    I visited a hill farm in my province, where I felt the fresh air on my face and the breeze on my body. Even though the sun was high in the sky, I loved seeing the beauty of the mountain ranges, the clouds, the sky, and the sense of peace I felt while looking at the green trees. It was such a perfect place to relax and escape from the stress and noise of the city.

  • Mary Rose Rey's avatar
    Mary Rose Rey 4/26/2024 2:27 AM
    Nature gives us peace of mind, a reset in life, and new hope to continue moving forward. This is what we can continually experience if we take good care of our environment, and I am so glad to embrace this challenge. Our simple acts can influence the future of our planet.

    • Clarissa Matriz's avatar
      Clarissa Matriz 4/26/2024 2:44 AM
      It is so good to see how this challenge has shaped our perspective when it comes to protecting the environment ♡ ♡ ♡

  • Mark Manaloto's avatar
    Mark Manaloto 4/26/2024 2:18 AM
    Joining the challenge increases the emotional bond between us and nature.