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Starbucks Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Alison Perreault's avatar
    Alison Perreault 4/19/2024 6:41 PM
    Being purposeful about picking up litter each day really hit home today. I was at one of my University stores and when I got out of my car there was a Starbucks used, empty Iced Venti cup and straw sitting on the ground. I immediately was compelled to pick it up and look for more "trash".
    Land + Forests Keep My Community Clean
    How does the act of picking up litter connect you more to your community?

    Alison Perreault's avatar
    Alison Perreault 4/19/2024 6:36 PM
    I want the community that I live in to be clean and for people to be proud to live here.

  • Holly Curry's avatar
    Holly Curry 4/19/2024 6:26 PM
    Second-hand clothing sales can contribute to reducing negative environmental impacts by promoting clothing reuse and extending the lifespan of garments. Studies have shown that second-hand clothing markets have saved significant amounts of CO2 emissions, water consumption, and energy consumption.

    Today I dropped off the first round of 30 articles of clothing to a second hand store in Nashville to receive a $250 store credit to purchase other items! 🛍️
    Round 2 coming soon!

  • STEPHEN DINISCO's avatar
    STEPHEN DINISCO 4/18/2024 10:48 AM
    Halftime.... How are all of you doing? There is still time to make a greater impact, by adding 1 additional action... You got this!
    Freshwater + Oceans Raise Awareness for the Conservation of Freshwater and Oceans
    What did you learn about freshwater and oceans you did not already know? In sharing this information with people in your life, which conversation was impactful to you?

    Tesh Burke's avatar
    Tesh Burke 4/18/2024 4:04 AM
    How much freshwater does a leaky pipe waste in a house, 700-1400 gallons daily? A human only needs 64 gallons of fresh water in a month. Toilets are one of the most significant issues regarding in-house leaking freshwater.
    I share this information with other family members about the importance of checking pipes and toilets more frequently.
    Action Track: Community Pick Up the Phone
    What do all of us have in common, regardless of politics, race, religion, occupation, or place we live? How can finding common ground help us as a society and as a species?

    Tesh Burke's avatar
    Tesh Burke 4/18/2024 3:55 AM
    Not to simplify the question, but if we all show a little kindness, actively listen, and appreciate open thought with the intention that it doesn't overall impact a relationship, then the world, in my opinion, would improve. We can only solve the larger issues the world has at its doorstep if we see potential in everyone and what they have to offer.

  • Holly Curry's avatar
    Holly Curry 4/17/2024 3:08 PM
    Participated with fellow partners at By Faith Farm for our 2nd annual harvest and plant for this season’s crop.

  • Micheline Forget's avatar
    Micheline Forget 4/16/2024 8:00 PM
    Volunteering in my town of Shrewsbury for Arbor Day this month: Our town is celebrating Arbor Day at Dean Park! Anyone can Stop by for a free tree to plant.
    There will be kids activities and giveaways. Last year, same event they gave away 750 trees to plant. Lilacs, spruce, peach, dogwood and more!
    Fun Time!
    Biodiversity + Wildlife Reduce Animal Products
    How does eating more meat affect our planet and other people?

    Mackenzie Adams's avatar
    Mackenzie Adams 4/16/2024 6:24 PM
    The production of meat, especially beef and lamb, is associated with high levels of greenhouse gas emissions, particularly methane and nitrous oxide. Livestock farming contributes to deforestation, as land is cleared for grazing and feed production, and it releases methane from enteric fermentation (digestive processes in animals) and manure management.

    Biodiversity + Wildlife Use Reusable Bags
    How difficult was this challenge for you? What made it easy or difficult?

    Mackenzie Adams's avatar
    Mackenzie Adams 4/16/2024 6:24 PM
    Reusable bags are like gold in my household. We use them for everything! I just recently moved and saved a lot of money by using reusable bags vs purchasing cardboard boxes and tape. This also made moving a little easier because the bags have handles!