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Lutherans Restoring Creation - Gulf Coast Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Gladys E Bustos's avatar
    Gladys E Bustos 4/28/2024 12:36 PM
    I work in farming solutions, water, alternative byproducts fuels, construction material and other byproducts

  • Joclyn Rabbitt-Sire's avatar
    Joclyn Rabbitt-Sire 4/06/2024 11:28 PM
    Hi, I’m brand new here, and I just selected one daily action. Next year, I’ll start April 1st!
    Climate + Air Declutter My Home Without the Landfill
    How did it feel to intentionally declutter with putting things into the landfill? What did you learn along the way about yourself and our consumer and waste systems?

    Lisa Brenskelle's avatar
    Lisa Brenskelle 4/05/2024 2:55 PM
    I have not yet begun, as I feel that I have so many other things to do that are more importance. However, even if I can de-clutter one thing per day, I will make progress over time.

    • Jeanne Poirier's avatar
      Jeanne Poirier 4/05/2024 5:19 PM
      Yes you will Lisa - one space, one act at a time and it will exponentiate! Good luck!