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Emerson Brasil Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Anderson Goncalves's avatar
    Anderson Goncalves 4/30/2024 6:38 PM
    Economizar água em banho e lavar carros. Use lavagem ecológicas

  • Anderson Goncalves's avatar
    Anderson Goncalves 4/30/2024 6:36 PM
    Não jogue lixo em qualquer lugar. Recicle

  • Mateus Lima's avatar
    Mateus Lima 4/30/2024 10:32 AM
    In this final stretch of the ecochallenge, I was able to analyze and understand how much small acts in our daily lives contribute to making the world a better place.

  • Rafael Boldori's avatar
    Rafael Boldori 4/30/2024 8:36 AM
    Obrigado pelo mês maravilhoso proporcionado pelos desafios e bons pensamentos.

  • Bianca Matsuda's avatar
    Bianca Matsuda 4/30/2024 4:31 AM
    The earth month help us think about daily actions and how they can impact the degradation of our world

  • Luciano Toledo's avatar
    Luciano Toledo 4/30/2024 4:30 AM
    I'm using the stairs instead of use elevator to save energy and also exercise myself.
    I'm also encouraging others to use the stairs.

  • Amanda  Vaz's avatar
    Amanda Vaz 4/29/2024 10:59 AM
    A sustentabilidade é a abertura para o futuro. Se fecharmos, não existirá futuro. Semear ideias ecológicas e plantar sustentabilidade é ter a garantia de colhermos um futuro fértil e consciente. ⁠

  • Amanda  Vaz's avatar
    Amanda Vaz 4/29/2024 10:53 AM
    Eu participei da inauguração da Horta Hidropônica na empresa Emerson Sorocaba, lindo projeto, obtive novos conhecimentos.

  • Marcos Straioto's avatar
    Marcos Straioto 4/28/2024 3:13 PM
    We use reusable bags when going to the supermarket, this helps eliminate the use of plastic bags.

  • Marcos Straioto's avatar
    Marcos Straioto 4/28/2024 3:12 PM
    We use reusable bags when going to the supermarket, this helps eliminate the use of plastic bags.