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EHSL Green-Team's avatar
April 1 - April 30, 2024

EHSL Green-Team

University of Utah


  • 0 TODAY
  • 1,213

team impact

  • UP TO
    food waste prevented
  • UP TO
    energy audits
  • UP TO
    pounds of CO2
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    Carbon Footprint
  • UP TO
    pieces of litter
    picked up
  • UP TO
    plastic bottles
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    water footprints
  • UP TO
    gallons of water
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    advocacy actions
  • UP TO
    community event
    hosted or attended
  • UP TO
  • UP TO
    spent outdoors
  • UP TO
    spent learning

Team Feed

Recent updates from this team
  • April 30 at 7:02 PM
    I found a nearby park that I didn't know existed while walking around my neighborhood picking up litter! Later in the month, I took my partner to the Portland Japanese Gardens, and just today Mt. Tabor Park. The benefits included being away from screens, seeing birds and squirrels and dogs and many plants, smelling the air away from cars,...
  • April 30 at 6:56 PM
    My sibling let me borrow their garden hoe/rake, which reminded me I don't need to run and grab my own. I like that my town has several tool libraries as well! The benefits to something like that mean we cut severely down on waste, and get to work together as a community
  • April 30 at 6:53 PM
    The most surprising item was floss! The kind I get doesn't have a hard plastic shell, but I didn't consider that the floss itself could be made from that. I've since found a replacement that's made from corn PLA. I wrote down a ton of what I noticed during my audit, and I'm feeling inspired to find replacements for as many things as possible!...
  • April 30 at 3:57 PM
    I try my best to eat ethically in a variety of ways (100% plant based, organic, from a co-op, low waste, etc.), but I've learned that I can always do more and keep actively assessing the way we do things. I'm going to suggest that our co-op making filtering the web inventory to only local items, so that this kind of work is easier. And I will...
  • April 30 at 3:25 PM
    I ended up picking up litter on at least 3 occasions during my walks, and logged the pieces as I went along. It's not the most positive perspective to have, but picking up litter is bittersweet. Sweet because it feels good to give back to others, clean up our shared spaces, and keep trash away from water sources and animals. Bitter because it...
  • April 29 at 10:45 AM
    We’ll pay attention to drought announcements, and when things get tough, reduce our water usage (such as with showering - get wet, stop water to soap up, rinse off quickly). We’ll look into a rain barrel or grey water system to water our plants in the summer when the rain decreases. We’ll continue with the practice of using a basin to wash...
  • April 27 at 12:14 PM
    Found out a local business allows bulk pickup of tortillas, so cut out that source of habitual single use plastic!
  • April 26 at 2:02 PM
    We have some things to do to improve in my household. This is all a bit disheartening with how fast and how much water goes. The linked Mental Floss article = :O. I don't know if that helps spur people into action as much as add to despair..In any case, things we could do at my house: Time our showers and see if there's room for improvement...
  • April 25 at 3:51 PM
    There was so much that I didn't know that I'd probably run out of characters typing it all out! What's apparent is how connected everything on earth is. One fact I saw is that every second breath we take is provided by the ocean, since it produces 1/2 the oxygen on earth. We must respect the natural world around us and do what we can to protect...
  • April 25 at 3:08 PM
    I'm home a ton because I work remotely, so I conducted the energy audit here. I made a list of things we consistently keep plugged in (e.g. stove, microwave, water heater, etc.) as well as a list of appliances we regularly and seasonally use. I learned that a ton of electricity stands to "phantom waste" even when off, so I will unplug...

9 Team Members

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