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Amalia Eades's avatar

Amalia Eades

Emerson Manila SYSS MCT

"I am committed to nurturing a healthier planet by adopting eco-friendly practices in my daily life. To reduce my carbon footprint, conserve resources, and promote green initiatives, striving to leave a positive impact on the environment for future generations."


  • 0 TODAY
  • 50 THIS WEEK
  • 1,313 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    pounds of CO2
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    pieces of litter
    picked up
  • UP TO
    waste audit
  • UP TO
    plastic straws
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    plastic bottles
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    water footprint
  • UP TO
  • UP TO
    community events
    hosted or attended
  • UP TO
    advocacy actions
  • UP TO
    spent outdoors
  • UP TO
  • UP TO
    spent learning

Amalia's actions

Biodiversity + Wildlife

Plastic in Clothing and Water

Synthetic clothing can contain plastic and shed harmful microplastics into our water. I will use a microplastics catcher in my laundry, or install a microplastics filter for my washing machine.


Land + Forests

Choose Eco-Friendly Wood and Paper

Trees provide food and habitat for local wildlife species, shade our streets and homes, and help keep our air and water clean by capturing pollutants. Buying products that help protect forests makes a difference. I will only purchase wood, furniture, and paper products from ecologically certified sources such as Forest Stewardship Council.


Climate + Air

Stay on the Ground

Carbon emissions from air travel is harmful to planetary and human health. Instead of traveling by plane, I will find an alternative way to accomplish the goals of an upcoming trip (i.e. telepresence, vacation locally).


Biodiversity + Wildlife

Seek Alternative Gifts and Souvenirs

When traveling, I will seek souvenirs that support local communities and do not cause harm to the environment or wildlife.


Biodiversity + Wildlife

Beauty and Personal Products

Beauty and personal products can create a lot of waste. I will spend 60 minutes learning about the beauty and body products I use to see if they are refillable or recyclable. If not, I will reach out to the manufacturer to advocate for those options.


Biodiversity + Wildlife

Invest in Nature

A healthy world needs both our daily actions and support from larger systems. I will spend 60 minutes learning about how I can use my investments and savings to advance environmental sustainability.


Land + Forests

Regenerative Agriculture and Me

Regenerative agriculture focuses on farming and ranching in a way that supports life and restores the soil. I will spend 60 minutes learning about regenerative agriculture and find out if any nearby farms practice regenerative agriculture.


Land + Forests

Explore My Area

When we explore natural spaces around us, our connections with them change. I will spend 60 minutes exploring a new area around my neighborhood, office, or campus (e.g., park, water body, nearby trail, community garden, green space, etc.).


Land + Forests

Personal Waste Audit

The waste we create daily can go unnoticed. I will track the waste I create in a day and post a photo log on the feed to see how much I create and where I can make different choices to reduce my waste going forward.


Land + Forests

Zero Waste Day

The impacts of our waste are far reaching. I will create zero waste for an entire day and share my reflections and learnings on the feed.


Freshwater + Oceans

Reduce Pollutants in Cleaning

Understanding cleaning product ingredients and their effect on water and biodiversity is helpful to our consumer choices. I will spend 60 minutes learning about how cleaning products affect our water and try making my own cleaning products to reduce pollutants.


Freshwater + Oceans

Smart Seafood Choices

We need to support healthy seafood populations. I will spend 60 minutes learning about sustainable seafood choices, commit to making better seafood choices for a healthier ocean, and share what I learned on the feed.


Freshwater + Oceans

Raise Awareness for the Conservation of Freshwater and Oceans

I will spend 60 minutes learning more about the importance of freshwater + ocean conservation, and how I can reduce my water use. I will share what I learn with people in person, on social media, and on the feed.


Freshwater + Oceans

Understand My Water Footprint

Each of us has a water footprint, directly linked to our daily activities as well as the water required in the production of things we use each day. Understanding our water use is important for a healthy planet. I will calculate my water footprint and look for a few ways I can reduce consumption or waste, then share what I learned on the feed.


Action Track: Community

Plant Trees

Trees capture carbon and produce oxygen that is essential to life on earth. I will support this important piece of nature by organizing or joining a community group to plant 3 native trees in my community, public parks, office location, campus or backyard.


Action Track: Community

Join a Cleanup Effort

I will organize or participate in a trash pickup at a local river, beach, or natural body of water.


Action Track: Community

Volunteer in my Community

I will volunteer 10 hours in my community.


Action Track: Community

Sustainability Lunch and Learn

Learning in a social setting can inspire connection and change. I will work with a friend or colleague to plan and host a lunch and learn at work, school, in my neighborhood or other location to learn more about an environmental topic important to me. After the lunch and learn, I will share more about it on the feed.


Action Track: Community

Lights Off and Open Windows

Turn off lights when not needed and not being used. It doesn't just help the environment but also helps save money. Open your windows instead and let natural light in. It will also help in lifting up your mood. Letting fresh air in so you don't need to turn on the fan or A/C unit.


Freshwater + Oceans

Use a Reusable Water Bottle

Itr's estimated over a billion water bottles are thrown away each year. Even if they were recycled, that still uses energy and resources from the earth. I will use a reusable bottle and stop purchasing bottled water, saving 8 disposable plastic bottle(s) a day.


Freshwater + Oceans

Dishwasher Efficiency

Hand washing dishes can use more energy and hot water than a dishwasher. To save water, I will use a dishwasher and scrape, rather than rinse, dishes before loading them into the dishwasher.


Freshwater + Oceans

Say No to Plastic Straws

An estimated 71% of seabirds and 30% of turtles have been found with plastics in their stomachs. When marine wildlife ingest plastic, they have a 50% mortality rate. By asking for no straw when placing a drink order, I will keep 3 plastic straw(s) of out of the ocean each day.


Action Track: Community

Share My "Why"

I will record a video to share why I am taking action this Earth Month, a sustainable swap I've made, and/or a local conservation effort in my area.


Action Track: Community

Keep My Community Clean

At times it may not feel like it's up to us to keep our community clean and healthy, but we all have a role to play. Each day I am outside, I will pick up any litter I see.


Action Track: Community

Borrow Before I Buy

Why buy something I will only use once or a few times if someone nearby has it for me to borrow, and why not share something I have that someone may only need a few times a year? To reduce my consumption and waste, I will create or support the sharing economy with friends, family, colleagues or neighbors.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Amalia Eades's avatar
    Amalia Eades 4/29/2024 6:34 PM
    My solar powered pathway lamp next to a beautiful flower bush.
    Freshwater + Oceans Reduce Pollutants in Cleaning
    What did you learn about ingredients in our cleaning products and how they impact water and biodiversity? Did you try making your own cleaning products? If so, how did it go?

    Amalia Eades's avatar
    Amalia Eades 4/29/2024 6:32 PM
    The ingredients in conventional cleaning products can significantly impact water quality and biodiversity. Many of these products contain harsh chemicals like chlorine, ammonia, and phosphates, which can lead to environmental issues such as algal blooms, disruption of aquatic ecosystems, and the depletion of oxygen in bodies of water. When washed down the drain, these chemicals can contaminate rivers, lakes, and oceans, harming aquatic life and ecosystems. Additionally, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from these products can contribute to air pollution, affecting both indoor and outdoor air quality.

    As for making my own cleaning products, I haven’t personally tried it, but here is what I searched online: common ingredients for homemade cleaners include baking soda, white vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, and essential oils. These natural ingredients are less harmful to the environment and can be effective for various cleaning tasks.

    If you’re interested in creating your own eco-friendly cleaning products, here’s another simple recipe for an all-purpose cleaner I found:
    Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle.
    Add the rind of a citrus fruit, like lemon, for a fresh scent.
    Let the mixture sit for a few days before using it to clean non-porous surfaces.
    Remember to exercise caution when mixing different ingredients, as some combinations can be harmful. For example, NEVER mix bleach and vinegar, as it can create toxic chlorine gas. Always test homemade cleaners in small areas first to ensure they do not damage surfaces.


  • Amalia Eades's avatar
    Amalia Eades 4/28/2024 8:18 PM
    The flowers in our front porch starts blooming. Yay!
    Land + Forests Personal Waste Audit
    What are the results of your waste audit and what did you learn? How can you reduce your waste going forward?

    Amalia Eades's avatar
    Amalia Eades 4/28/2024 8:15 PM
    Most of our waste products are fruits and vegetable peels. We are thinking of planting our vegetables and fruits in our yard so a compost would be a good idea to reduce our waste products. We don't have food scraps because I make sure that I only cook enough food that we can finish in a day or 2 since I hate wasting food.
    Biodiversity + Wildlife Beauty and Personal Products
    What new insights did you gain about the skincare products you use? Did you reach out to advocate for refillable or recyclable packaging?

    Amalia Eades's avatar
    Amalia Eades 4/28/2024 8:03 PM
    The industry is increasingly adopting sustainable packaging solutions. This includes refillable packaging, which reduces waste by allowing consumers to replenish their products without the need for new packaging. Brands are also exploring eco-friendly materials like bamboo and paperboard tubes.

    Advocacy for refillable and recyclable packaging is gaining momentum. Consumers are becoming more environmentally conscious and are willing to pay more for products with sustainable packaging. This consumer demand is driving brands to adopt practices that reduce their environmental impact and improve brand equity.

  • Amalia Eades's avatar
    Amalia Eades 4/28/2024 9:30 AM
    Weekend is our grocery day! Don't forget to bring your reusable bags to the market!
    Freshwater + Oceans Understand My Water Footprint
    What did you learn about your water footprint and what are you going to do to reduce and be aware of the water you use?

    Amalia Eades's avatar
    Amalia Eades 4/28/2024 9:28 AM
    Reducing one’s water footprint is a crucial step towards sustainability and conservation of our precious water resources. Simple actions like taking shorter showers, not watering lawns as often, and using high-efficiency appliances can make a significant difference in our water footprint. I had my husband call the plumber that did our house to have our bathtub faucet fixed because of the leak. A leaky faucet can waste a lot of water over time, so fixing household leaks is a simple yet effective way to conserve water and money. We do our laundry once a week so we can run our washing machine on a full load to maximize water efficiency.

    By implementing these measures, you can contribute to a more sustainable future and ensure that water resources are preserved for generations to come. Remember, every drop counts! 🌱💧
    Land + Forests Choose Eco-Friendly Wood and Paper
    Beyond carbon sequestration, what other benefits do forests offer you personally?

    Amalia Eades's avatar
    Amalia Eades 4/27/2024 5:42 PM
    Forests provide a multitude of benefits beyond their crucial role in carbon sequestration. Forests contribute to cooling the Earth’s surface. Tropical forests, for example, not only absorb CO2 but also create cloud cover that reflects sunlight and cools the air. Trees help in purifying the air by absorbing pollutants and releasing oxygen, which is essential for human health. Forests play a significant role in water cycles, regulating the availability of water, filtering it, and sustaining river flows. Forests are home to a vast array of wildlife and plant species, maintaining biodiversity and providing habitat for many organisms like birds that I enjoy hearing them sing. Trees prevent soil erosion, that sadly happens to a lot of places and mountains in the Philippines because of illegal logging. Trees maintain soil fertility, and promote nutrient cycling in ecosystems that helps my own trees and bushes grow. Forests offer recreational spaces for activities like hiking and bird-watching, and they hold cultural and spiritual significance for many communities. Being in nature, particularly forests, can reduce stress and improve mental well-being especially after a long week of work. Forests contribute to economies through timber, tourism, and non-timber products like fruits and medicinal plants.

  • Amalia Eades's avatar
    Amalia Eades 4/27/2024 6:11 AM
    What is one thing that you are making into a habit of doing now because of EcoChallenge?

    • Amalia Eades's avatar
      Amalia Eades 4/27/2024 5:25 PM
      Mine is being conscious of how much electricity we are using at home. We recently installed solar panels at home so soon enough (once the whole process is done) we will be running our house hopefully on pure solar power so we need to be mindful of how much we use to make sure we make the most out of our buck meaning no overage that we would still have to pay Flint Energy (our current electric company). On that note, be mindful to lessen our electricity use so we will get credit from them instead of us paying them.

      I have started making it a habit of not turning the lights on if I don't need to and whenever I leave the room. Opening our curtains and windows to let light and wind in instead of using lights and A/C.

    • Anu Pillai's avatar
      Anu Pillai 4/27/2024 6:14 AM
      Minimizing the use of plastic bags.
    Freshwater + Oceans Raise Awareness for the Conservation of Freshwater and Oceans
    What did you learn about freshwater and oceans you did not already know? In sharing this information with people in your life, which conversation was impactful to you?

    Amalia Eades's avatar
    Amalia Eades 4/27/2024 5:56 AM
    Here are a few new-to-me facts that I learned:

    Freshwater Ecosystems: Freshwater ecosystems are incredibly diverse, supporting more than 100,000 species. They cover less than 1% of the Earth’s surface but are home to 10% of all known animals and up to 40% of all known fish species.

    Ocean Depths: The average depth of the ocean is about 12,080 feet (3,682 meters), and the deepest part of the ocean is the Mariana Trench, which is over 36,000 feet (nearly 11,000 meters) deep.

    Thermohaline Circulation: The ocean’s global “conveyor belt” moves water around the world. This thermohaline circulation is driven by differences in the water’s density, which is controlled by temperature (thermo) and salinity (haline). It’s a crucial part of how heat and nutrients are distributed across the planet.

    Microplastics: Recent studies have found that microplastics are not just confined to the upper layers of the ocean but are also present in the deep sea. This poses a significant threat to deep-sea ecosystems, which are less studied and more vulnerable.

    Freshwater Scarcity: Despite the abundance of water on our planet, only 2.5% is freshwater, and less than 1% of that is accessible for human use. This makes conservation and efficient use of freshwater resources critical.

    And the most impactful fact to me is about the microfibers, I didn't know that I've been contributing to this the moment I was born. The fact that this reaches the deep sea and places that humans will have a hard time cleaning is scary and sad for deep-sea habitants. Not just it is hard to reach but also, we didn't know it needs to be cleaned because it is less studied. Conversations about the spread of microplastics can inspire people to reduce their plastic use and support initiatives to clean up oceans and waterways. Each discussion has the potential to make a difference, whether it’s through individual actions or collective efforts.