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Mehul Menghar's avatar

Mehul Menghar

Emerson MEA - Central Region (Abu Dhabi)

"Transforming Sustainability into Life's Blueprint."


  • 0 TODAY
  • 1,841 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    food waste prevented
  • UP TO
    traveled by foot
  • UP TO
    not traveled by car
  • UP TO
    pounds of CO2
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    energy audit
  • UP TO
    plastic bottles
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    waste audit
  • UP TO
    waste composted
  • UP TO
    gallons of water
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    advocacy actions
  • UP TO
    community events
    hosted or attended
  • UP TO
  • UP TO
  • UP TO
    spent outdoors
  • UP TO
    spent learning

Mehul's actions

Freshwater + Oceans

Go Plastic-Free

Millions of tons of plastic is produced each year worldwide. Each day, I will conduct a plastics audit of what I buy and use throughout the challenge (kitchen, bathroom, personal care products, etc.), to see how single-use plastic shows up in my life. I will find plastic-free alternatives to these products and advocate for alternatives to single-use packaging at local grocery stores, product manufacturers, at work, or on campus.


Climate + Air

Weekly Meal Planning

One third of all food produced worldwide is wasted, and so is the energy it takes to produce and transport that food. I will reduce food waste and save money by planning a weekly menu, only buying the ingredients I need and eating what I planned each day.


Climate + Air

Online Energy Audit

Energy use and waste is often invisible. I will complete an online energy audit of my home, office, or dorm room and identify my next steps for saving energy.


Action Track: Community

Volunteer in my Community

I will volunteer 2 hours in my community.


Land + Forests

Explore My Area

When we explore natural spaces around us, our connections with them change. I will spend 60 minutes exploring a new area around my neighborhood, office, or campus (e.g., park, water body, nearby trail, community garden, green space, etc.).


Freshwater + Oceans

Reduce Pollutants in Cleaning

Understanding cleaning product ingredients and their effect on water and biodiversity is helpful to our consumer choices. I will spend 30 minutes learning about how cleaning products affect our water and try making my own cleaning products to reduce pollutants.


Freshwater + Oceans

Low Water Gardening

Grass lawns are water-intensive and on average require about 30 percent of a household’s water consumption. Native plants are water-efficient and help maintain the balance and diversity of local ecosystems. I will plant native species with water-efficient plants to conserve water and improve the habitat, then post a photo on the feed to share.


Biodiversity + Wildlife

Seek Alternative Gifts and Souvenirs

When traveling, I will seek souvenirs that support local communities and do not cause harm to the environment or wildlife.


Biodiversity + Wildlife

Save the Bees

Bees are vital to ecosystems. To help save the bees, I will learn which local flowers provide nectar and plant them in my backyard or in a pot on my balcony.


Climate + Air

Use Muscle Power

I will cut my car trip mileage by only taking necessary trips, and I will only use muscle-powered transportation for all other trips.


Climate + Air

Sustainability Lunch and Learn

Learning in a social setting can inspire connection and change. I will work with a friend or colleague to plan and host a lunch and learn at work, school, in my neighborhood or other location to learn more about an environmental topic important to me. After the lunch and learn, I will share more about it on the feed.


Land + Forests

Regenerative Agriculture and Me

Regenerative agriculture focuses on farming and ranching in a way that supports life and restores the soil. I will spend 30 minutes learning about regenerative agriculture and find out if any nearby farms practice regenerative agriculture.


Land + Forests

Choose Eco-Friendly Wood and Paper

Trees provide food and habitat for local wildlife species, shade our streets and homes, and help keep our air and water clean by capturing pollutants. Buying products that help protect forests makes a difference. I will only purchase wood, furniture, and paper products from ecologically certified sources such as Forest Stewardship Council.


Land + Forests

Compost Food Waste

Food in the landfill is one of the main sources of greenhouse gasses. I will avoid sending up to .69 lbs (.31 kg) of food waste to the landfill per day by composting my food.


Land + Forests

Personal Waste Audit

The waste we create daily can go unnoticed. I will track the waste I create in a day and post a photo log on the feed to see how much I create and where I can make different choices to reduce my waste going forward.


Land + Forests

Zero Waste Day

The impacts of our waste are far reaching. I will create zero waste for an entire day and share my reflections and learnings on the feed.


Freshwater + Oceans

Use a Reusable Water Bottle

Itr's estimated over a billion water bottles are thrown away each year. Even if they were recycled, that still uses energy and resources from the earth. I will use a reusable bottle and stop purchasing bottled water, saving 3 disposable plastic bottle(s) a day.


Action Track: Community

Plant Trees

Trees capture carbon and produce oxygen that is essential to life on earth. I will support this important piece of nature by organizing or joining a community group to plant 4 native trees in my community, public parks, office location, campus or backyard.


Action Track: Community

Borrow Before I Buy

Why buy something I will only use once or a few times if someone nearby has it for me to borrow, and why not share something I have that someone may only need a few times a year? To reduce my consumption and waste, I will create or support the sharing economy with friends, family, colleagues or neighbors.


Action Track: Community

Join a Cleanup Effort

I will organize or participate in a trash pickup at a local river, beach, or natural body of water.


Action Track: Community

Share My "Why"

I will record a video to share why I am taking action this Earth Month, a sustainable swap I've made, and/or a local conservation effort in my area.


Action Track: Community


I will continue to contribute to Emerson's environmental sustainability goals beyond April by learning more about the Global Green Teams Network, joining a team near me, or maybe even creating a new team.


Action Track: Community


I will sign up to the Sustainability Aficionados distribution list to receive global news on sustainability at Emerson, including world news and Greening OF, BY, and WITH news.


Action Track: Community


I will take at least one photograph that is connected with this year's theme of Nature Conservation & Biodiversity (for example an urban park, bee hives, birds and other animals...) and I will post it on LinkedIn with the hashtags #EarthMonthEcochallenge #EarthMonthAtEmerson.


Action Track: Community


On Wed 24th April, I will attend the Earth Month Ecochallenge Webinar on Conservation to learn about what individuals, companies and other organizations can do to promote biodiversity and nature protection.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Mehul Menghar's avatar
    Mehul Menghar 4/30/2024 1:03 AM
    🌍 Wrapping Up Earth Month with Gratitude and Commitment 🌍

    As Earth Month comes to a close, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you who participated in and organized the various activities aimed at protecting our planet. Your enthusiasm and commitment have truly made a difference, from the smallest to the largest actions, each contributing to the sustainability of our environment.

    This month has been a tremendous journey of learning and growth, showing us how integrating sustainable practices into our daily routines can have a profound impact. The habits we've adopted this month should not end here; let's continue to incorporate them into our everyday lives, ensuring that every day is a step towards a healthier planet.

    Together, we have the power to drive change and leave a thriving world for future generations. Remember, the practices we embrace do more for our children's future than any financial investment could ever achieve. Let's keep the momentum going and make every month an Earth Month!

  • Mehul Menghar's avatar
    Mehul Menghar 4/29/2024 5:13 AM

    🌍📱 Join the Recycling Movement in UAE with RECAP App! 📱🌍

    Hey there, UAE residents!

    Are you passionate about reducing plastic waste and contributing to a cleaner environment? Then it's time to join the recycling revolution with the RECAP app!

    Download RECAP today to effortlessly manage your plastic waste collection right from your smartphone. Simply schedule pickups for your recyclables, track your contributions, and play your part in creating a more sustainable future for our planet.

    Let's work together to make a positive impact on our environment, one plastic bottle at a time. Download RECAP now and be a part of the change!

    Land + Forests Zero Waste Day
    What was hard about having a Zero Waste Day? What did you learn about yourself and your habits?

    Mehul Menghar's avatar
    Mehul Menghar 4/29/2024 4:56 AM
    We embraced a perfect zero waste day, implementing a myriad of small habits that made a big impact. From taking baths with the one bucket rule to reusing vegetable water for kitchen floor cleaning, and even repurposing washed rice water to nourish our plants—every action mattered.

    We also made sure to enjoy our meals using steel reusable plates and spoons, minimizing single-use plastics. Plus, opting for muscle power instead of vehicles for our daily grocery needs added another eco-friendly touch to our day.

    But the best part? We did it all together as a family, learning and growing while educating our kids about the importance of zero waste living.

    Let's continue to celebrate and implement these wonderful habits, knowing that each small step contributes to a cleaner, greener future for us all! 🌍💚

    • Pankaj Dayal's avatar
      Pankaj Dayal 4/29/2024 9:39 AM
      Mehul you are a true champ and inspiration for the rest of us !!

  • Mehul Menghar's avatar
    Mehul Menghar 4/29/2024 4:51 AM
    we're dedicated to making a positive impact on our environment. That's why we've implemented a simple yet effective initiative to reduce plastic waste: collecting and recycling our empty milk, curd, and buttermilk containers every month. In just three weeks, we've diverted around 2 KG of plastic waste from landfills by responsibly submitting it to a recycling company here in the UAE.

  • Mehul Menghar's avatar
    Mehul Menghar 4/28/2024 12:18 AM
    🌱🏡 Taking Ownership of Our Consumption Habits 🏡🌱

    Are you truly in control of your daily consumption habits, or are external influences shaping your behavior? As a family of four, we've taken a significant step towards mindful consumption. Our commitment? To purchase new items for our home consciously, avoiding impulsive and influenced buying that often turns our living spaces into mere storage yards.

    This decision to be more deliberate with our purchases stems from a desire to minimize waste, reduce unnecessary spending, and create a more sustainable and harmonious living environment. It's about asking ourselves if we truly need something before it crosses our threshold.

    🤔 Reflecting on your own habits:
    • Do you find external advertising or social media influencing your buying decisions more than your actual needs?
    • Have you implemented any strategies to combat impulsive buying in your own life?
    Let's open up a discussion on how we can all become more intentional about what we bring into our homes and lives. Share your experiences and tips on navigating the challenges of consumer culture.

    Together, we can foster a community that supports sustainable living and mindful consumption. 🌍💚
    #Sustainability #MindfulConsumption #FamilyGoals #EcoFriendlyLiving

  • Mehul Menghar's avatar
    Mehul Menghar 4/27/2024 12:52 AM

    This year, we've decided to embrace a small but meaningful change in how we celebrate birthdays. Instead of the usual exchange of return gifts and accepting gifts that often lead to unnecessary consumption and waste, we're shifting towards more sustainable and impactful alternatives.

    Whether it's donating to a charity in the birthday person's name, planting trees, or simply spending quality time together, we're exploring ways to celebrate that not only feel special but also contribute positively to our community and planet.

    🌱 Why the change? Because every little habit we alter towards sustainability plays a part in a larger global impact. We believe that these small steps are crucial in fostering a culture of mindfulness and responsibility towards the environment.

    I'd love to hear from you:
    • Have you made any similar changes to your celebrations or daily routines?
    • What sustainable practices have you found to be most meaningful or impactful?
    Let's inspire each other with ideas and actions that make our celebrations not only joyful but also kind to our Earth. 🌍💚

  • Mehul Menghar's avatar
    Mehul Menghar 4/27/2024 12:46 AM
    We have to do regular energy audit by keeping following points in mind. Did you completed this action ?

    • Homeowner Interview: A discussion with your home energy expert to identify any specific comfort issues and understand typical living patterns in your home
    • Energy Bills Review: A review of historical energy use in your home, if available, to serve as a benchmark for projected savings estimates
    • Home Evaluation: A visual inspection of the exterior, interior, home envelope, and all mechanical systems to determine their condition
    • Safety Check & Testing: A combination of diagnostic tests to identify leaks, moisture problems, or ventilation issues and assess the home’s energy performance
    • Home Improvement Recommendations: A prioritized list of improvement measures based on health and safety issues, comfort, and overall cost-benefit
    Climate + Air Online Energy Audit
    Where did you do an energy audit (work, home, school, other) and what did you learn?

    Mehul Menghar's avatar
    Mehul Menghar 4/27/2024 12:39 AM
    I'm excited to share some valuable insights from a recent energy audit conducted at our home. We discovered several easy, "low-hanging fruit" strategies that each of us can implement to reduce our energy usage and contribute to environmental conservation. Here are a few simple tips that we found particularly effective:

    1. Switching off Monitors: It's easy to overlook, but computer monitors continue to consume power even when they're not in use. Simply turning off your monitor when it's not needed can save a significant amount of energy.
    2. Unplug Mobile Chargers: Mobile chargers draw power even when they're not charging. To avoid this unnecessary energy drain, make it a habit to unplug your chargers when they're not in use.
    3. Corridor Lights: One common oversight is leaving corridor lights on. Always remember to turn off these lights when they're not needed to help conserve energy.
    4. Use Quality Curtains in Desert Climates: Living in a desert-dominated area means relying heavily on air conditioning. By using high-quality curtains, you can significantly reduce heat dissipation during the hot summer months, which helps keep your home cooler and reduces the strain on your AC unit.

    Implementing these simple measures can lead to noticeable reductions in energy consumption and utility bills. We encourage everyone to consider these tips not just for cost savings, but also as part of our collective responsibility to our planet.

    Let's all try to incorporate these practices into our daily routines and make a positive impact on our environment!

  • Mehul Menghar's avatar
    Mehul Menghar 4/26/2024 4:32 AM
    Gift is only items which creating lot of packing waste. Are you agreeing to that ?

    • Zenden  Khoza 's avatar
      Zenden Khoza 4/26/2024 5:05 AM
      It's true that traditional gifts often come with a lot of packaging waste, which can contribute to environmental issues like pollution and landfill overflow. However, there are many alternative gift options that are both meaningful and eco-friendly. From experiences like a hike in nature or a homemade meal to sustainable products like reusable water bottles or compostable items, there are plenty of ways to show you care without harming the planet. Let's rethink our approach to gifting and prioritize sustainability for a brighter future!

  • Mehul Menghar's avatar
    Mehul Menghar 4/26/2024 12:56 AM
    Today, I embraced my role in promoting sustainability, and it got me wondering—have you had your moment yet? Did you know that while I enjoy fresh orange juice, my plants thrive on orange tea made from the used peels? It's a simple yet powerful practice of repurposing and recycling our food waste.

    In our home, this has become more than just a daily habit; it's a family affair! Even the kids get involved, sipping their juice while simultaneously caring for their beloved plants. Inspired by last year's Earth Month, this practice has blossomed beautifully. Our children have taken the initiative to create organic tea for plant feed themselves.

    This journey of teaching the next generation about sustainability has been incredibly rewarding. They've learned first-hand how small, consistent actions can make a significant impact.

    Let's keep inspiring each other with ways to care for our planet every single day.

    • Arunkumar Ayyalusamy's avatar
      Arunkumar Ayyalusamy 4/26/2024 10:21 AM
      Indeed its truly rewarding experience to get children think about sustainable lifestyle at the early stage. Future champion in making...

    • David Roberts's avatar
      David Roberts 4/26/2024 4:31 AM
      Great job being a role model for the next generation.