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West Coast NDA's avatar
April 1 - April 30, 2024

West Coast NDA


  • 0 TODAY
  • 1,499

team impact

  • UP TO
    Carbon Footprints
  • UP TO
    energy audit
  • UP TO
    pieces of litter
    picked up
  • UP TO
    single-use bags
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    plastic bottles
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    water footprints
  • UP TO
    community events
    hosted or attended
  • UP TO
  • UP TO
    advocacy action
  • UP TO
    spent outdoors
  • UP TO
    spent learning

Team Feed

Recent updates from this team
  • April 30 at 2:55 PM
    The utility where I live seems less flexible for renewable options, but this can be managed by personal initiation. To be honest, I have no idea if this is an option. However, lights, plugs, and laundry can all be modified by turning them off or unplugging when not in use. Laundry can be air dried, and as the weather transitions from spirng to...
  • April 25 at 3:25 PM
    The Watsonville Area Water Recycling Facility (RWF) was formed after municipal and agricultural cooperation. Basically, the RWF is the child of the City of Watsonville and the Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency. There is an office that provides space for administrative offices, water quality lab, and educational space costing $11 million...
  • April 25 at 2:32 PM
    Track clean up helps me feel more proud of my surrounding area. It creates a more inviting space. I think actively packing trash in front of others is a reminder to others to clean up after themselves. Unfortunately, there are some people who are unable to unaware of the imoact of trash clean up. Just the other day I ws driving, and I saw...
  • April 23 at 11:05 PM
    Watsonville is home to multiple endangered species. I learned on the Watsonville Public Works website that the freshwater sloughs house 23 species that are endangered or threatened at the moment. I also was unaware of the large amount of birds that are present. I wonder if it’s the unique freshwater and ricer systems that attract the over 220...
  • April 22 at 11:21 AM
    I wish there were an easier way for people who use cigarettes to dispose of them properly. So much time is spent picking up the old cigarettes scattered on the ground. How about a system where people turn in their used ones before they purchase more packs? Or any other alternatives are also welcome.
  • April 22 at 11:15 AM
    Working with others to clean up my community usually frustrates me because it is exhausting. However, I know it is beneficial in numerous ways that go beyond aesthetics. It also makes me hopeful and relieved one less piece of trash will be mistaken as food by other living organisms.I am also learning why proponents of reducing viscoplastic...
  • April 22 at 10:10 AM
    WOO Earth Day was great in Watsonville
  • April 22 at 10:04 AM
    As we all know, the only way to combat climate change is to work together. This reality felt especially true during the cleanup effort. I was shocked and disappointed with the amount of litter we found. Despite how disappointing the amount of garbage was, the communal rallying and positivity of cleaning everything up felt empowering and urged...
  • April 17 at 7:33 AM
    My earthmonth ecochallenge has been an informative and grounding experience. Learning about different conservation issues and engaging in ways to make positive change has been really valuable. This has helped me keep sustainability at the forefront of everything I do throughout the day. The challenge of actually taking positive steps towards...
  • April 12 at 2:00 PM
    Again the cost of convenience shows up again! There is a website called inspire clean energy, which contains some valuable explanations on the impact of our electricity usage. It states that plugged in electric items are fed continuous electricity so that they can be brought to attention and activity at the touch of a button” for our own...

5 Team Members

Recently active team members
  • April 30, 2024
    Completed More Than One Daily Action on 4/30/24
    + 5
  • April 30, 2024
    Answered a Reflection Question
    + 5
  • April 15, 2024
    Completed More Than One Daily Action on 4/15/24
    + 5
  • April 5, 2024
    Completed One Daily Action on 4/05/24
    + 5
  • March 4, 2024
    Completed Actions Assessment
    + 1


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