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South Whidbey Elementary LaVassar 5th Graders Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Kasen Boden's avatar
    Kasen Boden 4/29/2024 2:31 PM
    1. wwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaassssssssseeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnn
    Land + Forests 30 for 30 in Nature
    What have you noticed about how it feels to spend consistent time outside?

    Kinley Britz's avatar
    Kinley Britz 4/29/2024 2:21 PM
    It opens the mind heart and spirit.
    Freshwater + Oceans Understand My Water Footprint
    What did you learn about your water footprint and what are you going to do to reduce and be aware of the water you use?

    Cooper Robinson's avatar
    Cooper Robinson 4/29/2024 2:17 PM
    I was shocked to see how much water goes into little things like shopping and food.

  • Cooper Robinson's avatar
    Cooper Robinson 4/26/2024 11:59 AM
    A short poem about Orangutans: It is so sad their a dying breed due t human greed they need a voice they need to be heard.
    Freshwater + Oceans Understand My Water Footprint
    What did you learn about your water footprint and what are you going to do to reduce and be aware of the water you use?

    Kinley Britz's avatar
    Kinley Britz 4/26/2024 11:52 AM
    A lot of water doesn't just come from water you see. It takes many many gallons just to make a single pasta noodle.
    Land + Forests Forest-Friendly Foods
    What did you learn about forest-friendly foods? How difficult or easy was it to change your diet?

    Cooper Robinson's avatar
    Cooper Robinson 4/26/2024 11:51 AM
    I am a big fan of Orangutans and their main threat is palm oil farms they cut down rainforest land to make room destroying the Orangutans homes so this was very easy and fun.
    Land + Forests Forest-Friendly Foods
    What did you learn about forest-friendly foods? How difficult or easy was it to change your diet?

    Kinley Britz's avatar
    Kinley Britz 4/26/2024 11:47 AM
    1. Palm oil is in a lot of unexpected food items especially things like nut butter and chocolate.

  • Charlie Cameron's avatar
    Charlie Cameron 4/26/2024 10:23 AM

  • Charlie Cameron's avatar
    Charlie Cameron 4/26/2024 10:23 AM

  • Lydia Rieneckert's avatar
    Lydia Rieneckert 4/26/2024 10:21 AM
    I really like doing this because it gives me an opportunity to do things i wouldn't usually do.