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GEFinitely Sustainable Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Dan Groza's avatar
    Dan Groza 4/24/2024 5:49 AM
    🌎🌱 Earth Day may have passed, but our commitment to the planet continues. Let's carry the spirit of Earth Day with us every day, making sustainable choices that reduce our carbon footprint and protect our environment. 🌿💚 #EarthDayEveryDay #SustainableLiving

  • Dan Groza's avatar
    Dan Groza 4/19/2024 7:29 AM
    🐝 Bees are essential pollinators that play a crucial role in our food system and ecosystem. Let's come together to save the bees and protect their habitats. Planting bee-friendly flowers, avoiding the use of harmful pesticides, and supporting local beekeepers are just a few ways we can make a difference. By safeguarding these incredible creatures, we ensure a sustainable future for ourselves and the planet. 🌼🌍 #SaveTheBees #PollinatorProtection

  • Dan Groza's avatar
    Dan Groza 4/19/2024 7:28 AM
    ♻️ Recycling is a team effort, and every member of the community plays a vital role. Let's encourage our friends, family, and neighbors to recycle by sharing tips, resources, and success stories. Together, we can create a culture of recycling and make a positive impact on our environment. Join the recycling movement today! 🌍🌿 #RecyclingCommunity #TogetherWeRecycle

  • Dan Groza's avatar
    Dan Groza 4/17/2024 7:07 AM
    💧 Did you know that a single drop of water can create ripples of change? Let's make a positive impact on our freshwater resources by practicing responsible water usage. Every action counts, whether it's fixing leaks, using water-efficient appliances, or supporting initiatives that promote water conservation. Together, we can ensure a sustainable future for our planet and its precious water sources. 💦🌍 #WaterConservation #RippleEffect

  • Dan Groza's avatar
    Dan Groza 4/15/2024 11:01 AM
    🌊 Our oceans are home to incredible biodiversity and play a crucial role in regulating our climate. Let's come together to protect and restore our oceans. By reducing plastic waste, supporting sustainable fishing practices, and promoting marine conservation efforts, we can ensure a healthier future for our planet and all its inhabitants. 🐠🌎 #OceanConservation #SustainableLiving

  • Dan Groza's avatar
    Dan Groza 4/12/2024 5:18 AM
    🌍 Earth Day is a reminder of our responsibility to protect and preserve our planet. Let's take this opportunity to reflect on our actions and make sustainable choices every day. Whether it's reducing waste, conserving energy, or supporting eco-friendly initiatives, every small step counts towards a more sustainable future. 🌿 #EarthDay2024 #SustainabilityMatters

  • Dan Groza's avatar
    Dan Groza 4/11/2024 4:58 AM
    💧 Water is a precious resource, and every drop counts. Let's make a conscious effort to conserve water in our daily lives. Simple actions like fixing leaks, using water-efficient appliances, and practicing mindful consumption can make a big difference. Let's protect this vital resource for future generations. 💦 #WaterConservation #SustainableLiving
    Freshwater + Oceans Say No to Plastic Straws
    What single-use items (e.g. straws, coffee cups, vegetable bags, plastic bags) do you regularly use? What could be substituted instead?

    Nathan Gober's avatar
    Nathan Gober 4/10/2024 9:43 AM
    I usually use a straw in my soft drinks at restaurants and drive thru fast food. The city of Carlsbad where I live has a ban on single-use plastics and we receive a paper waxed lined straw that seems to work well compared to the original paper straw that fell apart quickly.

  • Dan Groza's avatar
    Dan Groza 4/10/2024 5:14 AM
    🚲 Looking for a fun and eco-friendly way to commute? Give biking a try! Not only does it reduce carbon emissions, but it also promotes a healthier lifestyle. Hop on your bike and enjoy the ride while making a positive impact on the environment. 🚴‍♀️🌍 #BikeToWork #SustainableTransportation #EarthMonthEcochallenge2024

  • Nathan Gober's avatar
    Nathan Gober 4/09/2024 2:26 PM
    We are currently ranked 82 out of 170 ranked teams. Let's keep the momentum and complete your daily check-ins!