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Emerson Manila Eco Warriors Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Freshwater + Oceans Understand My Water Footprint
    What did you learn about your water footprint and what are you going to do to reduce and be aware of the water you use?

    Hanzel Grace Medianes's avatar
    Hanzel Grace Medianes 4/17/2024 5:18 AM
    I learned more about virtual water footprints and how consuming meat also adds up to it. Starting now, will try to be conscious of my meat consumption.
    Freshwater + Oceans Say No to Plastic Straws
    What single-use items (e.g. straws, coffee cups, vegetable bags, plastic bags) do you regularly use? What could be substituted instead?

    Hanzel Grace Medianes's avatar
    Hanzel Grace Medianes 4/17/2024 5:11 AM
    I use cotton pads for my daily skincare but I am planning to switch now to reusable cotton cloths.
    Action Track: Community Plant Trees
    How is planting trees good for your mental, physical, and spiritual health?

    Hanzel Grace Medianes's avatar
    Hanzel Grace Medianes 4/16/2024 12:11 AM
    I haven't planted trees in person yet (looking forward to it really soon!), but I'm more than glad to have contributed to this effort through GCash: by going cashless and using the app for financial needs and transactions, I collect green energy that the app converts to points that I can use to buy and plant trees. This is also made more exciting by the additional feature of grabbing green energies from your friends. :)
    Biodiversity + Wildlife Use Reusable Bags
    How difficult was this challenge for you? What made it easy or difficult?

    Hanzel Grace Medianes's avatar
    Hanzel Grace Medianes 4/16/2024 12:03 AM
    This challenge has been part of my lifestyle for almost 2 years --- apart from contributing to environment protection and conservation, always carrying a reusable bag also saves me time and money :)

    • Esther Chau's avatar
      Esther Chau 4/16/2024 12:08 AM
      Keep up the good practice. A good example to present to others. Thumb up!

  • Hanzel Grace Medianes's avatar
    Hanzel Grace Medianes 4/15/2024 1:36 AM
    Using our solar-powered light today.

  • Joe Marie Escuadra's avatar
    Joe Marie Escuadra 4/02/2024 12:49 AM
    Hiked the forest reserve Mt. Makiling it collectively perform various important ecological functions, including the prevention of soil erosion and acting as a sanctuary for wildlife. Mt Makiling is an important watershed, including as a source of the natural springs.

  • Leoh Marr Abatay's avatar
    Leoh Marr Abatay 3/25/2024 6:42 AM
    Very excited to do these challenges. One week to go before EcoChallange 2024, good luck to everyone!