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EEEC-Pune-Nashik Feed


Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

    Biodiversity + Wildlife Beauty and Personal Products
    What new insights did you gain about the skincare products you use? Did you reach out to advocate for refillable or recyclable packaging?

    Aboli Pawar's avatar
    Aboli Pawar 4/30/2024 11:08 AM
    Through my exploration of skincare products, I gained new insights into the environmental impact of packaging and the importance of advocating for refillable or recyclable options. I became more aware of the prevalence of single-use plastic packaging in the skincare industry and its contribution to plastic pollution.

    As a result, I proactively reached out to skincare brands to advocate for more sustainable packaging solutions. I emphasized the importance of refillable or recyclable packaging options to reduce waste and minimize environmental harm. By voicing my concerns and preferences, I hoped to encourage brands to prioritize sustainability in their product packaging decisions and promote more eco-friendly practices within the industry.

    Overall, this experience highlighted the power of consumer advocacy in driving positive change and promoting sustainability in the skincare industry. It reinforced the importance of making informed choices and actively engaging with brands to create a more sustainable future.

  • Suraj Vadhava's avatar
    Suraj Vadhava 4/30/2024 11:04 AM
    Daily workout done. Swimming for 525 meters 35 mins.

    Land + Forests Advocate for Forest Protection
    Higher standards of living are very often dependent on moving our environmental costs elsewhere. What are some specific ways in which the environmental impacts of your own lifestyle might be shifted elsewhere?

    Pranav Kulkarni's avatar
    Pranav Kulkarni 4/30/2024 9:47 AM
    Yes,there are lots if things that changed
    1) exercise habits
    2) Reading more about environment
    3) interacting with new peoples

  • Rupali Chikte's avatar
    Rupali Chikte 4/30/2024 8:55 AM
    Finishing the line of EarthMonth...

    Habit will continue

  • NIKITA PATEL's avatar
    NIKITA PATEL 4/30/2024 8:18 AM
    Reduce, reuse, recycle!!!

    Land + Forests Plant Trees
    How is planting trees good for your mental, physical, and spiritual health?

    Aboli Pawar's avatar
    Aboli Pawar 4/30/2024 7:52 AM
    Planting trees can have numerous benefits for mental, physical, and spiritual health:

    1. **Mental Health:** Being in nature, such as a forest or woodland area where trees are abundant, has been linked to reduced stress levels, improved mood, and enhanced cognitive function. Planting trees provides an opportunity to connect with nature, which can promote relaxation, mindfulness, and overall well-being. Engaging in outdoor activities like tree planting can also serve as a form of exercise, which is known to have positive effects on mental health.

    2. **Physical Health:** Trees play a crucial role in improving air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen through photosynthesis. Planting trees helps to mitigate air pollution and enhance the quality of the air we breathe, which has direct benefits for respiratory health and overall physical well-being. Additionally, spending time outdoors and engaging in physical activities like planting trees can boost immune function, reduce blood pressure, and improve cardiovascular health.

    3. **Spiritual Health:** For many people, connecting with nature, including trees, can be a deeply spiritual experience. Trees are often seen as symbols of life, growth, and renewal in many cultures and belief systems. Planting trees can foster a sense of reverence and awe for the natural world, helping individuals feel more connected to something greater than themselves. This connection with nature can provide a sense of purpose, meaning, and inner peace, contributing to spiritual well-being.

    Overall, planting trees is not only beneficial for the environment but also for mental, physical, and spiritual health, providing a holistic approach to personal well-being.
    Land + Forests Zero Waste Day
    What was hard about having a Zero Waste Day? What did you learn about yourself and your habits?

    Aboli Pawar's avatar
    Aboli Pawar 4/30/2024 7:32 AM
    Having a Zero Waste Day presented several challenges, particularly in avoiding single-use plastics and minimizing waste in daily activities. One of the hardest aspects was breaking habitual behaviors and finding alternatives to common disposable items. It required conscious effort and planning to avoid packaged foods, plastic containers, and disposable products.

    Throughout the day, I learned a lot about myself and my habits. I realized that I rely heavily on convenience items and disposables in my daily routine, and making sustainable choices requires intentionality and mindfulness. It also highlighted areas where I could make improvements, such as meal planning, shopping with reusable bags, and reducing unnecessary packaging.

    Overall, having a Zero Waste Day was an eye-opening experience that encouraged me to reconsider my consumption habits and strive for more sustainable choices in the future. It emphasized the importance of individual actions in reducing waste and contributing to a healthier planet.
    Biodiversity + Wildlife Invest in Nature
    What did you learn about how investing can support the environment and create a more sustainable world?

    Aboli Pawar's avatar
    Aboli Pawar 4/30/2024 7:31 AM
    Investing can play a crucial role in supporting the environment and creating a more sustainable world in several ways. First, by directing funds towards environmentally responsible companies and initiatives, investors can incentivize sustainable practices and technologies. This can lead to innovations in renewable energy, waste management, and conservation efforts.

    Furthermore, investing in companies with strong environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices can encourage corporate responsibility and accountability. Companies that prioritize sustainability are often better positioned to manage risks related to environmental regulations, resource scarcity, and climate change, ultimately leading to more resilient and long-term value creation.

    Additionally, investing in sustainability-focused projects, such as renewable energy infrastructure or green bonds, can contribute to the transition towards a low-carbon economy and mitigate the impacts of climate change. These investments not only generate financial returns but also have positive environmental and social impacts, aligning with the goals of sustainable development.

    Overall, investing with a focus on environmental sustainability can drive positive change, promote innovation, and help address pressing global challenges, making a meaningful contribution to creating a more sustainable world.
    Biodiversity + Wildlife Endangered Species
    What endangered species did you learn about and what did you learn?

    SUDHEER SVSM's avatar
    SUDHEER SVSM 4/30/2024 6:47 AM
    Action Track: Community Join a Cleanup Effort
    How does working with others to clean up your community make you feel? What results did you see? Please consider posting a photo of your cleanup!

    SUDHEER SVSM's avatar
    SUDHEER SVSM 4/30/2024 6:39 AM
    In a group, the community tend to behave responsibly & the repetition of the same creates a culture to be think responsibly towards keeping the premises clean & give their part in reducing waste.