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Gerard van Boven's avatar

Gerard van Boven

Greening of EU Benelux

"My mission for this year's EcoChallenge is to inspire sustainable actions that foster a healthier planet for current and future generations. Through collective commitment and individual empowerment, I aim to cultivate environmental stewardship, promote eco-conscious lifestyles, and drive positive change towards a greener, more sustainable world."


  • 0 TODAY
  • 1,521 TOTAL

participant impact

  • UP TO
    food waste prevented
  • UP TO
    not traveled by car
  • UP TO
    traveled by foot
  • UP TO
    energy audit
  • UP TO
    pounds of CO2
    have been saved
  • UP TO
    single-use bags
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    plastic bottles
    not sent to the landfill
  • UP TO
    gallons of water
    have been saved
  • UP TO
  • UP TO
    community event
    hosted or attended
  • UP TO
    advocacy action

Gerard's actions

Action Track: Community


I will continue to contribute to Emerson's environmental sustainability goals beyond April by learning more about the Global Green Teams Network, joining a team near me, or maybe even creating a new team.


Action Track: Community


I will sign up to the Sustainability Aficionados distribution list to receive global news on sustainability at Emerson, including world news and Greening OF, BY, and WITH news.


Action Track: Community


I will take at least one photograph that is connected with this year's theme of Nature Conservation & Biodiversity (for example an urban park, bee hives, birds and other animals...) and I will post it on LinkedIn with the hashtags #EarthMonthEcochallenge #EarthMonthAtEmerson.


Action Track: Community


On Wed 24th April, I will attend the Earth Month Ecochallenge Webinar on Conservation to learn about what individuals, companies and other organizations can do to promote biodiversity and nature protection.


Biodiversity + Wildlife

Use Reusable Bags

Plastic bags can be mistaken for food by many wild animals and can end up in habitats that harm wildlife. I will not accept any disposable bags when making purchases, including produce bags.


Climate + Air

Weekly Meal Planning

One third of all food produced worldwide is wasted, and so is the energy it takes to produce and transport that food. I will reduce food waste and save money by planning a weekly menu, only buying the ingredients I need and eating what I planned each day.


Climate + Air

Use Muscle Power

I will cut my car trip mileage by only taking necessary trips, and I will only use muscle-powered transportation for all other trips.


Climate + Air

Online Energy Audit

Energy use and waste is often invisible. I will complete an online energy audit of my home, office, or dorm room and identify my next steps for saving energy.


Freshwater + Oceans

Use a Reusable Water Bottle

Itr's estimated over a billion water bottles are thrown away each year. Even if they were recycled, that still uses energy and resources from the earth. I will use a reusable bottle and stop purchasing bottled water, saving 1 disposable plastic bottle(s) a day.


Action Track: Community

Join a Cleanup Effort

I will organize or participate in a trash pickup at a local river, beach, or natural body of water.


Action Track: Community

Volunteer in my Community

I will volunteer 8 hours in my community.


Participant Feed

Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.

To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?

  • Gerard van Boven's avatar
    Gerard van Boven 4/28/2024 10:27 PM
    📚 Empowering change: continuing to learn and share for a sustainable future 🌍💡
    As the EcoChallenge concludes, let's celebrate the incredible journey we've been on together and the knowledge we've gained along the way. Learning about sustainability is not just a one-time event—it's a lifelong pursuit. Let's continue to seek out new information, explore innovative solutions, and stay informed about the issues affecting our planet.

    But knowledge is most powerful when shared. Let's be ambassadors for sustainability in our communities, workplaces, and social circles. Let's share what we've learned, inspire others to take action, and collaborate to make a positive impact on the world.

    Together, let's foster a culture of learning and sharing that empowers us all to create a more sustainable future. Thank you to everyone who participated in the EcoChallenge and embraced the importance of continuous learning and sharing. Let's keep the momentum going and build a brighter, more sustainable world for generations to come. 🌟📚
    #LearnAndShare #Sustainability #EcoChallenge #KnowledgeIsPower #TogetherWeCan

  • Gerard van Boven's avatar
    Gerard van Boven 4/28/2024 12:02 AM
    🌿 Honoring our home: a lasting commitment to respecting nature 🌳💚
    As we reach the end of the EcoChallenge, let's reflect on the importance of continuing to respect and protect the natural world that sustains us. Nature provides us with clean air, fresh water, and breathtaking landscapes. It's our responsibility to cherish and preserve these gifts for future generations.

    Let's commit to treading lightly on the Earth, leaving no trace of our presence as we explore its wonders. Let's support conservation efforts, protect wildlife habitats, and advocate for policies that safeguard our precious ecosystems.

    Beyond conservation, let's cultivate a deep appreciation for the beauty and biodiversity of our planet. Let's spend more time outdoors, connecting with nature and finding inspiration in its majesty.

    Thank you to everyone who participated in the EcoChallenge and embraced the ethos of respecting nature. Let's carry this reverence forward, making every day an opportunity to honor our home and ensure a thriving planet for generations to come. 🌍🌱
    #RespectNature #Sustainability #EcoChallenge #Conservation #ProtectOurPlanet

  • Gerard van Boven's avatar
    Gerard van Boven 4/26/2024 11:12 PM
    🌍 Travel with purpose: sustaining sustainable journeys beyond the EcoChallenge! ✈️🌿
    As we conclude the EcoChallenge, let's ensure that our commitment to mindful travel endures beyond these past few weeks. Travel opens our eyes to new experiences and cultures, but it also comes with a responsibility to minimize our environmental impact and support the communities we visit.

    Let's continue to prioritize eco-friendly transportation options, such as walking, cycling, or taking public transit whenever possible. When flying is necessary, let's consider carbon offsetting and choose airlines that prioritize sustainability.

    Beyond transportation, let's support local businesses, respect local cultures and traditions, and leave destinations better than we found them. By minimizing our footprint and maximizing our positive impact, we can ensure that travel remains a force for good in the world.

    Thank you to everyone who participated in the EcoChallenge and embraced mindful travel practices. Let's carry this spirit forward, making every journey an opportunity to explore, connect, and contribute to a more sustainable world. Together, we can continue to travel with purpose, leaving a positive legacy for future generations to enjoy. 🌟🌍
    #MindfulTravel #SustainableTourism #EcoChallenge #ResponsibleTravel #LeaveNoTrace

  • Gerard van Boven's avatar
    Gerard van Boven 4/25/2024 10:46 PM
    🌱 Nourish the planet: a lasting commitment to green eating! 🥦🌍
    As we come to the end of the EcoChallenge, let's reflect on the impact of our dietary choices and recommit to greening our diets for the long haul.

    Our food choices have a profound impact on the environment, from the resources required for production to the emissions generated in transportation. By opting for plant-based meals, supporting local farmers, and reducing food waste, we can minimize our carbon footprint and promote a more sustainable food system.

    Let's continue to prioritize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and plant-based proteins in our meals, not only for our health but also for the health of the planet. Let's explore new recipes, support sustainable food producers, and advocate for policies that promote access to healthy, environmentally friendly food for all.

    Thank you to everyone who participated in the EcoChallenge and embraced the importance of greening their diets. Let's carry this commitment forward, making mindful food choices that nourish both our bodies and the planet. Together, we can create a world where everyone has access to nutritious, sustainable food, and where our dietary choices contribute to a thriving, healthy future for all. 🌿🍽️
    #GreenYourDiet #Sustainability #EcoChallenge #PlantBased #HealthyLiving

  • Gerard van Boven's avatar
    Gerard van Boven 4/24/2024 10:50 PM
    🚀 Fueling innovation: paving the way for a sustainable tomorrow! 💡🌿
    As the EcoChallenge draws to a close, let's celebrate the spirit of innovation that has driven our journey towards sustainability. But our work is far from over—now is the time to accelerate our efforts and unleash the full potential of innovation for a better future.

    Innovation holds the key to solving some of the most pressing environmental challenges we face. From developing breakthrough technologies to implementing bold ideas, we have the power to transform our world for the better.

    Let's continue to support and invest in green technologies, sustainable practices, and collaborative initiatives that drive positive change. Let's challenge the status quo, push the boundaries of what's possible, and harness the power of innovation to create a more resilient and sustainable world.

    Thank you to everyone who participated in the EcoChallenge and embraced the spirit of innovation. Let's carry this momentum forward and keep pushing for progress. Together, we can build a future where innovation thrives, sustainability reigns, and every idea has the power to make a difference. 🌟🌍
    #Innovation #Sustainability #EcoChallenge #FutureForward #TogetherWeCan

  • Gerard van Boven's avatar
    Gerard van Boven 4/23/2024 8:59 PM
    🔄 Closing the loop: our commitment to a circular future! 🌐🌿
    As the EcoChallenge concludes, let's celebrate the strides we've made in embracing the circular economy. But our journey towards a more sustainable future doesn't end here—it's just the beginning.

    The principles of reduce, reuse, and recycle should continue to guide our actions beyond the challenge. By embracing circular practices in our personal and professional lives, we can minimize waste, conserve resources, and create a more resilient economy.

    Let's continue to repair, repurpose, and recycle items whenever possible. Let's support businesses that prioritize sustainable production methods and adopt circular business models. And let's advocate for policies that promote a circular economy and incentivize innovation in waste reduction and resource recovery.

    Together, let's keep the circular economy momentum going, turning waste into value and creating a world where nothing goes to waste. Thank you to everyone who participated in the EcoChallenge and contributed to our collective efforts towards a circular future. Let's stay committed to closing the loop and building a more sustainable world for generations to come. 🔄🌍
    #CircularEconomy #Sustainability #EcoChallenge #ReduceReuseRecycle #ClosingTheLoop

  • Gerard van Boven's avatar
    Gerard van Boven 4/22/2024 8:52 PM
    🌱 Sustaining change: embracing responsible consumption beyond the EcoChallenge! 🛍️💚
    As we wrap up the EcoChallenge, let's reflect on the impact of our choices and the importance of continuing to buy responsibly in both our personal and professional lives.

    Our commitment to responsible consumption doesn't end with the challenge—it's a lifelong journey towards building a more sustainable future. By supporting ethical brands, minimizing waste, and prioritizing quality over quantity, we can make a positive impact on the environment and society.

    Let's keep advocating for sustainable practices in our workplaces and communities, encouraging businesses to prioritize ethical sourcing, reduce packaging waste, and embrace circular economy principles. Together, we can create a marketplace where every purchase contributes to the well-being of people and the planet.

    Thank you to everyone who participated in the EcoChallenge and embraced the ethos of responsible consumption. Let's carry this momentum forward and continue to make well-funded sustainable choices every day. Our actions today will shape the world we leave for future generations. Let's make it a world we can be proud of. 💚🌍
    #BuyResponsibly #Sustainability #EcoChallenge #EthicalConsumption #MakeADifference

  • Gerard van Boven's avatar
    Gerard van Boven 4/21/2024 10:58 PM
    🌞 Harnessing the power of clean energy: a sustainable legacy! 🍃💡
    As we bid farewell to the EcoChallenge, let's celebrate the strides we've made in embracing clean energy solutions. While the challenge may be ending, our commitment to using clean energy should endure as a legacy for future generations.

    Clean energy isn't just about reducing our carbon footprint—it's about building a more resilient and sustainable future. By transitioning to renewable sources like solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, we can protect our planet, create jobs, and drive innovation in the energy sector.

    So let's continue to support clean energy initiatives, whether it's installing solar panels on our homes, advocating for renewable energy policies, or investing in clean energy technologies. Let's show the world that clean energy is not only feasible but essential for a thriving, equitable society.

    Together, let's leave a lasting impact by embracing clean energy as the cornerstone of our energy future. Thank you to everyone who participated in the EcoChallenge and contributed to the momentum for a cleaner, greener world. Let's keep the momentum going and build on our progress for the benefit of generations to come. ☀️🌍
    #CleanEnergy #Sustainability #EcoChallenge #Renewables #BrightFuture

  • Gerard van Boven's avatar
    Gerard van Boven 4/21/2024 12:25 AM
    🌟 Saving energy: a lasting commitment to a brighter future! 💡🌿
    As the EcoChallenge comes to a close, let's reflect on the impact of our efforts to save energy over the past weeks. While the challenge may be ending, our commitment to energy conservation should remain steadfast.

    Saving energy isn't just a temporary goal—it's a long-term commitment to building a sustainable future for ourselves and generations to come. By continuing to implement energy-saving practices in our daily lives, we can reduce our carbon footprint, lower our utility bills, and contribute to a healthier planet.

    So let's make it a habit to turn off lights when leaving a room, unplug electronics when not in use, and invest in energy-efficient appliances and lighting. Let's advocate for renewable energy sources and support policies that promote energy conservation and sustainability.

    Together, let's keep the momentum going and inspire others to join us in our efforts to save energy. By working together, we can make a significant impact and create a world where energy is used wisely and responsibly.

    Thank you to everyone who participated in the EcoChallenge and embraced the importance of saving energy. Let's carry this spirit of conservation forward as we continue on our journey towards a brighter, more sustainable future. 💚💡
    #SaveEnergy #Sustainability #EcoChallenge #BrighterFuture

  • Gerard van Boven's avatar
    Gerard van Boven 4/19/2024 11:52 PM
    📚 Learn and share: empowering ourselves and others for sustainability! 🌍💡
    As we progress through the EcoChallenge, let's remember the power of continuous learning and sharing our knowledge with others.

    Every day presents an opportunity to expand our understanding of sustainability, whether it's through reading articles, watching documentaries, attending webinars, or engaging in conversations with experts and peers.
    Let's embrace a culture of curiosity and exploration, seeking out new ideas, insights, and best practices that can inform our actions and inspire positive change.

    But let's not keep this knowledge to ourselves! Let's share what we learn with our friends, family, colleagues, and communities, sparking conversations, raising awareness, and empowering others to take action for sustainability.
    Together, let's be catalysts for change, using our voices and our platforms to amplify the message of sustainability and create a brighter future for all. Let's learn and share, for the benefit of the planet and generations to come. 🌟📚
    #LearnAndShare #Sustainability #EcoChallenge #KnowledgeIsPower #TogetherWeCan