Melissa Tomecz
"Now more than ever, we need to stand up for Mother Earth!"
- 62 TOTAL
Melissa's actions
Learn to be a Responsible Tourist
Being a responsible tourist means not disturbing wildlife and choosing eco-friendly tour operators and destinations that prioritize wildlife conservation and respect animal welfare. I will spend 30 minutes researching ways to travel responsibly to ensure my adventures support, rather than harm, wildlife and their habitats.
Learn How to Save the Bees
Bees and other pollinators are vital to ecosystems and agriculture. I will spending 30 minutes learning about local pollinators and why they are so important.
Land, Water, and Air
Collect Rain Water
Rainwater collection reduces water waste and supports gardens. I will install a rain barrel or collect rainwater to use for 1 outdoor tasks, such as watering plants or cleaning.
Land, Water, and Air
Learn About Water Justice
Access to clean water is a basic right, yet not everyone has it. I will spend 30 minutes learning about water justice issues and who is affected.
Community and Connection
Express Gratitude and Random Acts of Kindness
Small acts of kindness and gratitude can brighten someone's day and create a positive ripple effect. I will express gratitude to 10 people or perform 10 random acts of kindness to spread joy and connection.
Community and Connection
Share Information about Local Resources
Knowledge of local resources helps communities thrive. I will learn about local resources, especially mutual aid groups, and share them with others on social media, in conversations, or in other ways that help spread the word.
Empowering the Next Generation
Conduct an Audit with a Young Person
Learning by doing empowers youth. I will conduct an environmental audit — such as a home energy or waste audit — alongside a young person to teach them practical sustainability skills and see what I learn from them as well.
Empowering the Next Generation
Support a School
Schools play a crucial role in youth development and be hubs for sustainability. I will donate funds, time, or supplies to 2 local schools to support environmental education, field trips, sustainability projects, and youth empowerment. I will share how I supported schools on the feed.
Health and Well-Being
Enjoy the Outdoors for 30 Minutes
Studies have shown that when we spend consistent time in nature, our health improves, our creativity increases, and our connection to the planet gets stronger. Each day of the Ecochallenge, I will spend 30 minutes outside, then share my observations, reflections, and learnings on the feed.
Sustainable Innovation
Advocate For Better Food Packaging
When companies and governments make large-scale changes to their products and practices, it makes sustainability more accessible to the masses, in turn creating further demand for sustainable products, and the cycle continues. I will advocate for improved, sustainable food packaging through petitions, letters, or by supporting brands that prioritize eco-friendly packaging - and share my advocacy actions on the feed.
Sustainable Innovation
Learn about the Magic of Seaweed
Seaweed is a powerful ally for the planet. I will spend 30 minutes learning how seaweed can improve ocean health, capture carbon, support sustainable food systems, and inspire eco-friendly products.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?