Meghan Fisher
- 24 TOTAL
Meghan's actions
Community and Connection
Join your local Green Team or participate in an Earth Month activity organized by them
Get involved! Join your local Green Team to connect and work on local sustainability initiatives. Or, participate in one of the many Earth Month activities they've organized.
Sustainable Innovation
Take the Green Pill Trainings on Emerson Learn
Learn about sustainability by taking two Green Pill modules on Emerson Learn. Choose the topics that appeal to you most!
Community and Connection
Attend a Local Event
Local events such as farmers' markets, festivals, or community meetings like town halls are great ways to feel part of a community. I will attend 3 community events to connect with others and learn more about my area.
Health and Well-Being
Exercise Daily
Daily movement supports our physical and mental health. I will spend 30 minutes each day exercising in a way that feels good to me, such as walking, running, stretching, or dancing.
Land, Water, and Air
Reduce Vehicle Idling
Idling cars wastes fuel, contributes to climate change, and pollutes the air in our communities. I will turn off my engine when waiting in my car to reduce air pollution and carbon emissions.
Land, Water, and Air
Join a Cleanup Effort
Working together to clean up public spaces helps the environment and builds community. I will participate in 2 community cleanup efforts in my neighborhood or local area.
Make Smart Seafood Choices
I will visit seafoodwatch.org or download the app and commit to making better seafood choices for a healthier ocean.
Use Reusable Bags
Plastic bags do not always end up in landfills and if they aren't properly disposed of. In nature, they can be mistaken for food by many wild animals and harm wildlife. When I go shopping, I will be sure to bring my own bags to reduce waste and the chance that plastic bags could find their way into wildlife habitats.
Health and Well-Being
Enjoy Fruits and Veggies
Adding fruits and vegetables to our meals nourishes our body and the planet. I will prepare and enjoy 1 servings of a variety of colorful fruits and veggies.
Community and Connection
Become a Sustainability Aficionado or Invite a Colleague!
Become a Sustainability Aficionado or invite one of your colleagues to join if you're already tuned into the program.
Land, Water, and Air
Learn about our new Sustainability Pathways initiative
Learn about our new Sustainability Pathways initiative and implement 1 action under each of the pillars from the most appropriate persona.
Land, Water, and Air
Begin a meeting with a “Sustainability Moment”
Kick off your meetings with a "Sustainability Moment" to keep environmental awareness top of mind. Even better, develop new "Sustainability Moments" tailored to your specific location and work, making the connection between sustainability and your daily activities even stronger!
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?