Esther Chau
"Be the first to Step Out to Lead the Sustainability :)"
- 31 TOTAL
Esther's actions
Sustainable Innovation
Choose a Product Made with Sustainable Materials
Every choice matters. I will purchase or switch to products made from sustainable or recycled materials to support innovation and reduce environmental impact.
Health and Well-Being
Enjoy the Outdoors for 30 Minutes
Studies have shown that when we spend consistent time in nature, our health improves, our creativity increases, and our connection to the planet gets stronger. Each day of the Ecochallenge, I will spend 30 minutes outside, then share my observations, reflections, and learnings on the feed.
Health and Well-Being
Exercise Daily
Daily movement supports our physical and mental health. I will spend 15 minutes each day exercising in a way that feels good to me, such as walking, running, stretching, or dancing.
Land, Water, and Air
Understand My Water Footprint
Each of us has a water footprint, directly linked to our daily activities as well as the water required in the production of things we use each day. Understanding our water use is important for a healthy planet. I will calculate my water footprint and look for a few ways I can reduce consumption or waste, then share what I learned on the feed.
Participant Feed
Reflection, encouragement, and relationship building are all important aspects of getting a new habit to stick.
Share thoughts, encourage others, and reinforce positive new habits on the Feed.
To get started, share “your why.” Why did you join the challenge and choose the actions you did?
Esther Chau 3/07/2025 6:01 PM- TEAM CAPTAIN
- Community Builder 🤝
Leadership Quote:
Leadership is not about oneself;
Its about caring and oversee the group! -
Esther Chau 3/07/2025 7:03 AM- TEAM CAPTAIN
- Community Builder 🤝
Encouragement quote to share:-
"Sustainability is not a trend, it's our future" -
Esther Chau 3/06/2025 6:59 AM- TEAM CAPTAIN
- Community Builder 🤝
A good start again to continue 2nd time - Eco challenge Month in Year 2025 ^0^-
Mohammad Al-hafiz Mohamed 3/06/2025 5:01 PM- Plant-Based Foodie 🥬